Cyber Monday sales


I’d like to say that I stay away form the hype of these holiday sales but that’s not entirely true. You definitely won’t find me waking up at 4 am to stand in line at some storefront but online sales are totally different. Is it because I can shop in bed, maaaaybe! But it’s also because I like to get my Christmas presents purchased ahead of time so that most of December can be spent doing things like baking or spending time with family.
So if you’re anything like me, you’ll be making some purchases today while things are still on sale. Here are a few of my favorites!


AMM was created as a way to share my aesthetics with the world. Stunning interiors instigated my passion for beautiful, extraordinary, and simple shapes. I was largely influenced by Nordic design philosophy and AMM transitioned from a personal blog into my own collection of interiors, things, visual trends, DIY projects, lifestyle products, and observations. As an interior design aficionado, I would love to see like-minded people, so stay tuned!

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