Mikael Beckman

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I’ve had to remind myself all day that it isn’t Thursday. It’s not even Wednesday
yet, it’s still Tuesday night and for some reason the week is just crawling by.
This apartment is fresh and bright and so beautifully understated.
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To add something odd and not at all interior related, I’ve been testing out my new
Lumix and am clueless! Does anyone have any pointers for me? I tried searching how
to’s and was disappointed to only find reviews, at least they were positive!
Israel ate a small owl and cat today, leaving just pieces of the head on my lap.

AMM was created as a way to share my aesthetics with the world. Stunning interiors instigated my passion for beautiful, extraordinary, and simple shapes. I was largely influenced by Nordic design philosophy and AMM transitioned from a personal blog into my own collection of interiors, things, visual trends, DIY projects, lifestyle products, and observations. As an interior design aficionado, I would love to see like-minded people, so stay tuned!

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